Presidential Candidates and the issues

Obama: Calls for 60 billion gallons of "advanced biofuels" to be produced in the U.S. each year by 2030. (March 2008)
McCain : Supports increased use of biofuels, but has not offered specific targets. Opposes subsidies for ethanol. (
The Forecast says… Too vague to be useful!
Greenhouse Emissions
Obama: Reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. (Feb 2008)
McCain: Reduce carbon emissions by 60% by 2050. (
The Forecast says… If we wait that long to drastically reduce carbon emissions, the only survivors of climate change may be the cockroaches.
Clean Coal
Obama: We need to figure out how to sequester carbon and burn clean coal. (May 2008)
McCain: We need to find a way to use our coal resources without emitting excessive greenhouse gases. (
The Forecast says… Isn't clean coal an oxymoron?
Climate Change
Obama: We need to aggressively address accelerating climate change. (Dec 2007)
McCain: Climate change is real; nuclear power is the solution. (Oct 2007)
The Forecast says… I guess it’s good that they at least agree on the problem?
Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Obama: Opposes drilling in ANWAR, but said he would support some offshore drilling if it were necessary to enact a comprehensive energy plan (Aug 2008)
McCain: Voted YES on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (Mar 2005)
The Forecast says… How will their running mates views influence them on this one?
Energy Conservation
Obama: We need to reduce the consumption of energy and be more efficient. (Jan 2008)
McCain: We need to attack the energy problem on every front. (Sep 2008)
The Forecast says… We need some specifics for reducing energy consumption!
Offshore Drilling
Obama: Drilling is a stop-gap measure, not a long-term solution. (Aug 2008)
McCain: End moratorium on offshore oil drilling. (Jun 2008)
The Forecast says… Who really thinks that having new oil supplies in 10 years will help reduce gas prices now?
Nuclear Power
Obama: Believes nuclear power should continue to be a part of the U.S.'s energy mix.
McCain: Wants to build 45 new nuclear power plants by 2030. (Jun 2008)
The Forecast says… How green is all that nuclear waste?
Renewable Energy
Obama: Wants $150B for electric car batteries & new technology. (Jun 2008)
McCain: Voted against new investments in renewable energy. (Sep 2008)
The Forecast says… No surprises here!
Vice Presidential Candidates and the issues

Biden: Make every automobile sold be a flex-fuel automobile. (Apr 2007)
Palin: Fund cellulosic biofuel research in Farm Bill. (Oct 2007)
The Forecast says… Since not all biofuels are viable options, who gets to decide which are worthwhile?
Greenhouse Emissions
Biden: Supports cap-and-trade for greenhouse gases. (Nov 2007)
Palin: Does not support capping carbon emissions. (Oct 2008)
The Forecast says… I'm sure that industries will take the initiative to reduce emissions on their own, just to be nice…
Clean Coal
Biden: Has supported clean coal for 25 years. (Oct 2008)
Palin: Supports “more pipelines; more nukes; more coal; more alternatives”. (Sept 2008)
The Forecast says… More, more, more. Palin doesn't even care if its clean, just wants more coal!
Climate Change
Biden: Cause of global warming is clearly Man-made. (Oct 2008)
Palin: Global warming affects Alaska, but is not man-made. (Aug 2008)
The Forecast says… Who is even still arguing about this? I guess it’s easy to underestimate our impact on the planet if you believe humans coexisted with dinosaurs.
Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Biden: Voted YES on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (Mar 2005)
Palin: Get ANWR open. (Nov 2006)
The Forecast says… Does shooting migratory birds also bolster Palin's foreign policy experience?
Energy Conservation
Biden: Voted YES on tax incentives for energy production and conservation. (Jun 2008)
Palin: Produce more of our own oil & gas, for national security. (Sep 2008)
The Forecast says… No surprises here!
Nuclear Power
Biden: Voted NO on approving a nuclear waste repository. (Apr 1997)
Palin: More pipelines; more nukes; more coal; more alternatives. (Sept 2008)
The Forecast says… Let's just throw in the alternatives for good measure…
Offshore Drilling
Biden: I'm against it (Sept. 3, 2008) I’m not opposed to drilling (Sept. 1, 2008)
Palin: It's "Drill, baby, drill." (Oct. 2008) Lift moratorium on offshore drilling. (Jul 2008)
The Forecast says… Which is worse - flip-flopping about offshore drilling or inciting obnoxious chanting?
Renewable Energy
Biden: Supports spending $50 billion over five years for biofuels, renewable energy and carbon capture and sequestration incentives. (Aug. 2008)
Palin: More pipelines; more nukes; more coal; more alternatives. (Sept 2008)
The Forecast says… Wow, they both have an actual plan!
Please note: My discussion of only the Democratic and Republican candidates views on the environment in no way means that I am dismissing the viewpoints of the other presidential candidates. In a perfect world, all parties would get equal coverage in the media. I attempted to include all the candidates viewpoints, but could not find their stances on all of the issues I covered and it would have made for a massively long post. Furthermore, there were many other energy and environmental issues I really wanted to include, such as the candidates views on natural resource exploitation, but I could not find specific quotes or references to these issues, even from the candidates that I did cover...
Yeah, we get the fact that Palin is a blithering idiot-- nothing new there. It's nice that you try to take an "above the fray" attitude when comparing Obama and McCain, but that's the comparison that matters. One clearly favors the environment more than the other, and there's no shame in mentioning it.
ReplyDeleteOK why just help to keep this perpetual cycle of 2 parties that's obviously NOT working intact? Part of the problem is that most people think their ONLY choices are McBama! By only showing the Dem and Repub candidates views, you guys are helping this cycle continue. What about the other 3rd party candidates who REALLY WOULD give us the change that DC really needs that are BANNED from the debates??? What about showing where Libertarian, Green (?!?!?), Constitution, etc. party candidates stand? I feel if you're going to try to use your influence to get your fans to do something then GIVE THEM ALL THE FACTS then let them decide for themselves!!! Really love the music but have lost some respect.....either run for public office or preferably just stick to jammin'....
ReplyDeleteA 3rd party vote is a vote wasted. Lost respect? This was posted by Christiana Conser....not so sure that she makes the band, anonymous.