WASHINGTON – Tomorrow, the rule removing wolves in the Northern Rockies from the list of endangered and threatened species is expected to be published in the Federal Register. It will take effect on May 4, after which wolves throughout Idaho, Montana, and parts of Utah, Oregon and Washington will no longer receive any protection under the Endangered Species Act.
The following is a statement by Rodger Schlickeisen, president for Defenders of Wildlife:
"We're on the eve of a tragic event in the history of the conservation of endangered species. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's decision to adopt the Bush administration's plan to remove Endangered Species Act protection for wolves in the Northern Rockies is a loss for the wolves, a loss for their ecosystems and a loss for sound science serving as the backbone of the Endangered Species Act.
"Wolves will once again be in the crosshairs to be needlessly killed starting May 4. Under the inadequate federal delisting rule, as much as two-thirds of the current Northern Rockies wolf population can be killed. Defenders of Wildlife will not stand by and let this go unchallenged.
"We turn now to the federal courts to save these wolves and ensure the future of wolf restoration in the region. It is deeply disappointing that Secretary Salazar missed a major opportunity to work with conservationists, scientists, ranchers, hunters and other stakeholders to resolve the issues that must be resolved to ensure that wolf recovery continues and the requirements of the Endangered Species Act are met. Instead, he has forced us to return to the courts to again challenge the same flawed plan that was rejected by the courts just last summer."
The following is a statement by Suzanne Stone, Northern Rockies Representative for Defenders of Wildlife:
"We look forward to celebrating the transfer of wolves to state management but not until a federal delisting rule is developed that ensures the future of wolves in the region. This plan ignores current science on what wolves need to maintain a healthy population over the long term. It also ignores the hundreds of thousands of citizens who have asked for a better plan."
Take Action!
Call the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at 1-800-344-9453, select option “3” (for endangered species) and hit “0” to speak with the operator. Once you are connected, just deliver this simple message:
My name is [Your Name] and I am calling from [Your City], [Your State] to express my extreme disappointment in Interior Secretary Salazar’s decision to eliminate Endangered Species Act protections for wolves in the Northern Rockies states of Idaho and Montana.
If his decision is allowed to stand, nearly two-thirds of the wolves in the Northern Rockies could be killed. I strongly urge Secretary Salazar to stop the implementation of his awful rule and reconsider his approach to wolf conservation in the Northern Rockies.
Important: Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund will be closely tracking the number of calls in order to ensure that our voices are heard on this important issue. Please make sure to let them know that you called.
Our wolves can’t speak out, but we can! Secretary Salazar’s wolf rule could appear in the Federal Register as soon as this week, paving the way for the massive killing of wolves next month.
Please call the US Fish and Wildlife Service today at 1-800-344-9453 and let federal officials know that you oppose efforts to eliminate vital protections for these wolves.
We don’t have much time to prevent the killing, but with your help, I know that we can save the lives of these special animals.
P.S. After you call the Fish and Wildlife Service at 1-800-344-9453, please make sure you tell Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund about your call.
More Information about Salazar’s Plan
- Salazar’s decision violates the Endangered Species Act and allows more than 1,000 out of the roughly 1,500 wolves in the region to be killed.
- Delisting wolves is contingent upon two things that have not yet been achieved: 1) The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's delisting plan must be based on current, credible science that ensures a healthy wolf population level that is sustainable and well connected. 2) All of the states in the delisting area must have wolf management regulations that provide for a sustainable and well connected wolf population after federal protections are lifted.
- Salazar’s decision fails to adequately address biological concerns about the lack of genetic exchange among wolf populations in the Northern Rockies. These concerns led a Federal court to overturn the same delisting rule late last year when the Bush Administration issued it. Salazar's decision also fails to address concerns with Idaho’s state wolf management plan and regulations that undermine the goal of a sustainable wolf population by killing massive numbers of wolves.
Defenders of Wildlife is dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural communities. With more than 1 million members and activists, Defenders of Wildlife is a leading advocate for innovative solutions to safeguard our wildlife heritage for generations to come. For more information, visit www.defenders.org.
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