Adam Werbach recently published Strategy for Sustainability: A Business Manifesto. He's had an interesting, tumultuous career in the environmental space. At age 23, he was elected as the youngest president of the Sierra Club ever to serve. In 2006, he began to work with Walmart, at the time one of the biggest offenders when it comes to environmental issues. The move created a great deal of controversy for Werbach, with some environmental activists declaring him a traitor. Werbach reasoned that if Walmart is one of the biggest causes of environmental damage, he should use his knowledge in the field of environmental conservation to get Walmart to change their ways.
Werbach wrote a short piece for this month's issue of Fast Company. In the article he outlines nature's ten simple rules for survival. They apply not only to nature, but companies as well. I've listed the principles below and added some commentary on how each applies to our day-to-day working lives, specifically focusing on entrepreneurship.
1. Diversify across generations.
It's important to have a variety of perspectives in a business, and in a network for that matter. Some of my very best network contacts belong to generations different from mine. Their views of the world are a critical lens for me when evaluating professional opportunities.
2. Adapt to the changing environment - and specialize.
I absolutely agree that adaptation is the key to survival. Darwin had it right. The specialize part I'm not so sure about. Certainly, people who are winning in the marketplace now are people who are general managers in the purest sense of the word - people with a wide variety of skill sets who can juggle multiple, simultaneous roles.
3. Celebrate transparency. Every scientist knows which species will eat it and which will not.
Clear, concise communication to the market and to a company from its leaders are critical in a time of uncertainty. While "know your competition" may sound like a no-brainer, it's amazing how many companies don't recognize non-traditional competitors. Take a look at this article in Fast Company about Apple versus Amazon. On the surface, they don't appear to be rivals. Dig a little deeper and it's easy to see how they are trying to supplant one another.
4. Plan and execute systematically, not compartmentally. Every part of a plant contributes to its growth.
This goes back to the idea of excess is rarely if ever a good idea. Getting distracted with issues that are not core to a businesses growth are wasteful and dangerous.
5. Form groups and protect the young. Most animals travel in flocks, gaggles, and prides. Packs offer strength and efficacy.
Networks are very powerful tools. A company's network is comprised of customers, suppliers, complimentary businesses, and even rivals on occasion. Consider the National Retail Federation. While many member companies are rivals in the marketplace, they can, should, and do band together on a number of issues that will improve the industry as a whole.
6. Integrate metrics. Nature brings the right information to the right place at the right time. When a tree needs water, the leaves curl; when there is rain the curled leaves move more water to the root system.
Knowing what an organization needs when is critical to its survival. For example, there's no point spending money on recruiting new talent when a company needs to restructure the talent it already has. It's also critical for a business to be able to prioritize effectively, particularly in tough times when investment dollars are tight. While getting bright new offices might be a nice-to-have, a company may really need to pour investment into its online presence to grow sales to finance those new offices. Distinguishing between short-term and long-term needs is a key talent that many organizations lack.
7. Improve with each cycle. Evolution is a strategy for long-term survival.
While it's important to get a new product or service correct right out of the gate, it's also important to recognize that "good enough" and continuous improvement are part of the development process. Perfect is the enemy of good.
8. Right-size regularly, rather than downsize occasionally. If an organism grows too big to support itself, it collapses. If it withers, it is eaten.
It's best to never need a right-sizing effort. Thoughtful, purposeful growth, not based on projects but on long-term objectives is the key to keeping a company's expansion under control. A few years ago, I had the opportunity to visit Amazon's offices. The company still makes their desktops from old doors, and many of the offices are an open floor plan. While they are out-performing every other retailer right now, they still know how to operate on a shoe-string, and that trait is baked into their culture.
9. Foster longevity, not immediate gratification. Nature does not buy on credit and uses resources only to the level that they can be renewed.
The whole phenomenon of Green Business is very confusing. Why is it so hard for companies to understand that if they use up all of their resources, they won't be able to operate? As communities if we don't replenish the resources we use, our communities cannot survive. It's not a complicated theory; it's just common courtesy to leave things better than we found them - the planet included.
10. Waste nothing, recycle everything. Some of the greatest opportunities in the 21st century will be turning waste - including inefficiency and under-utilization - into profit.
Adam Werbach explains the example of Xerox, one of the best turnaround stories of our time. They utilized remanufacturing, reuse, and upcycling as main tenants in their turnaround strategy. Their goal was to become a zero-waste company, and that goal lead them t re-think the way they built every machine. A changed point-of-view on their current situation, led to a business transformation.
We have so much to learn from nature that we must consider the possibility that every answer we need is virtually at our fingertips. All we need to do is be aware and open-minded enough to see the solutions that sit right in front of us every day.
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